We will be attending the next Slow Wine USA Tour both in New York and Chicago.
You are welcome to join us to taste our wines.
Here the programs.
New York City: 140 wines from 70 Slow Wine producers
Monday, January 30, 2012
Metropolitan Pavilion
125 West 18th Street
General Admission (6:30 – 9 pm): $35 for members of Slow Food USA, $40 for general admission.
Admission includes a complimentary copy of the Slow Wineguide and a commemorative wine glass.
Chicago: 100 wines from 45 Slow Wine producers
Thursday, February 2, 2012
980 North Michigan Avenue
General Admission (6 – 8:30 pm): $30 for members of Slow Food USA, $ 35 for general admission.
Admission includes a complimentary copy of the Slow Wineguide and a commemorative wine glass.